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Basti Escorts Sex: Make Mood happy

American researchers have concluded that the degree of human happiness is directly related to the frequency of sexual life. The experts used two types of scales: Sex and Happiness" to conduct a thorough analysis of large-scale research and opinion polls on this issue. All participants were asked: "How happy are you? Three possible answers are given: not very happy, happy, and very happy.

Report on girls: Almost all the volunteers who answered "very happy" turned into regular sex, and the participants who did not have sex during the year were 40% worse than those who had sex once a week.

At the same time, loving people are three times happier than any other. Researchers assessed the impact of various factors such as age, social status, smoking, blood pressure, and heart disease, although the results remained the same: sexual activity protects health. Also, young escorts added that sexual activity helps to produce a growth hormone that helps to maintain youthfulness.